Good vibes
Records and Music

delivering black and intercultural media pearls AND VISUAL legacies across generations AND THE GLOBE WITH DEFINING AND
REVEALING missing ORAL stories ABOUT our inseparable humanity

Rewind To Fast Forward – From Slavery To Freedom

Easy listening is not what one expects for an audio account of atrocities of centuries gone by, but Rewind to Fast Forward dispels any need for fear and delivers the listener safely, informed and optimistic from start to finish, covering 400 years in less than an hour and musical interludes that refresh, so you can rewind to fast forward for reference and quiet thought, again and again.

Time flies with Alex as your guide through a 50 minute express audio journey through  Slavery to Freedom as told to Alex by an British/Indian author whose lens is wide as descendent of indentured labourers of Asia who formed close relationships with Caribbeans and authored many books translated into many languages exploring truth, humanity and political realism in our world. and

Easy listening takes a new form as Anand also former chair of Black Londoners Action Committee, answers Alex’s questions to shed light on back lit streets you may not have known had close connections.

The journey is spiced with other personalities views almost a diverse and cultural seasonings added to a meal to make a sumptuous meal more exciting to the pallet.  From Rt. Hon. Tony Benn MP, readings by Caribbean born friends and a crucial soundbite from one of Alex Pascall’s 5 interviews with legendary artist and international icon, Bob Marley.

Rewind To Fast Forward – offers the listener an artful plate of sound within a  beautifully designed CD package with a comprehensive 6 page booklet filled with supporting information as a resource with meaningful data for all ages and for all time.

Related BAMAAPC interviews and content:

Alex Pascall’s interview with journalist andAfrican American author, Alex Haley. 1977

Alex Pascall and Black Londoners Episode Edits related to Free South Africa movement.

BAMAAPC: The Nelson Mandela Collection

Alex Pascall’s interview with  World Tennis and Wimbledon Champion – Arthur Ashe.



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